about me

NAME : AME . . . or jeremy .

PRONOUNS : she or he . .

i have more sets of pronouns here .

white, romanian, cis man that also loves men . RO / ENG / ESP( a tiny bit )

I'm in a love-hate relationship with HTML coding . I wanted to dress up websites with cool images and borders 'n' all as well thanks to an ex-friend . When I tried it for the first time, 'twas a pain in the arse . . . It still is when I came back to it but I'm getting used to it ! !

Ex-artist of sorts . . I'd love to draw again but school's throwing me a boot to the head and time's going fast ! !

I'm a ' my interests vary ' kind of person . Sometimes I'd be into ROBLOX games, other times I'd get into Analog Horror series . .

Speaking of interests, I am into : Calvin's Minecraft ' From The Fog ' series, Team Fortress 2, League Of Legends + unlisted !

I also like music like anybody else and stalk on people's playlists for me to discover the tracks I'd love to get into . I'm into a lot of genres such as K-Pop, Pop, Rap, Romanian Folk Rock, etc . I might set up a playlist for anybody to check my taste .